Our Team
Paula Cope, MEd, President & CEO
Paula is a consultant, trainer, and facilitator specializing in organization development, CEO succession planning, change management, and leadership. Prior to founding Cope & Associates, Inc., Paula was in non-profit management and later joined TD Bank (formerly Banknorth) as Director of Training & Development. She has worked with clients representing a diverse array of for-profit, public, and non-profit organizations in industries such as finance and insurance, conservation and natural resources, health care, public utilities, education, government, manufacturing, and human service agencies.
In 2012, she was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, awarded by the University of Vermont and in 2005 she was named Vermont's Small Business Woman of the Year, awarded by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Paula earned two degrees from the University of Vermont, a Master of Education in Organization Development and Human Resources, and a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. She is a nationally known speaker in managing organizational change, succession planning, leadership development, and board development. She is a master certified instructor for the LIFO® process (process communications, culture assessments, and team development) and a Prosci certified practitioner. Paula is member of the Association for Talent Management, the Society of Human Resource Professionals and the Future Search Network, in addition to being a Future Search facilitator.
Nicole Cope, Project Associate
Nicole is a Project Associate and resident air traffic controller. She specializes in project management, logistics coordination, and provides customer and service support to all COPE’s clients. Nicole has managed the operational and logistical components of large-scale community forums, conducted organization assessment interviews, facilitated community meetings around the state, and assisted in data analysis and reporting.
Nicole came to Cope & Associates, Inc. with a strong background in stage management and event coordination. She has worked in the performing arts, taken the lead in managing corporate events and galas, and supported fundraising initiatives around the country. She has hands-on experience with small and large-scale events for a variety of clients.